søndag den 31. maj 2015

So, a lot of people have been posting about having trouble with finding and setting up the game client lately, so in lack of other posts, I decided to share the way I did it. Bleeping cloudflare blocked me on Dalaran, so I put the thing here.

First of all, you're gonna need to download the game and the correct patches, so that you have the game version 3.3.5a. Seems simple, you say, but unfortunately, Dalaran-wow doesn't support downloading game clients right now, so you'll have to look elsewhere for the files. But don't worry just yet! There's a few ways, you can do that.
You could download WoW WOTLK from some random source and then find and install all seven hundred smaller and bigger patches by hand, but we both know you're too smart and busy a person to do so.
Instead I'd recommend that you found a place on the internet, that had the whole, delicious entirety that is Wrath of the Lich King in one big, bad bundle. Well guess what: it's your lucky day, because someone has done just that compilation for you. And you even get to choose between multiple places!

There's the other community, M**ten Wow, which also supports 3.3.5a (but obviously isn't nearly as kewl as our dear, dear Dalaran), and they will let you download their client right HERE.
Just choose Wrath of the Lich King and your OS, and bewm! you're provided with a sweet magnet. If you don't know what to do with that, bloody google it. I'm not your father.

The other option, if you don't particularily trust other, evil servers, is our very own community member, Austron, who has generously provided us with THIS link to their google drive, which, alledgedly, will let you download the files as well. Alledgedly because I haven't tested it myself, so you're on your own if that's not the case. But why wouldn't it be.


Depending on how big a pile of steaming manure that abomination you call your internet connection is, this part might take some hours. Days, even. Maybe months, WHO. KNOWS.


So, you're done? Well flippin done. You're da real MVP.

Noticed anyhing when you tried booting up the game? IT STARTED TO PATCH. Now, if you've let it patch, go make lunch box, pack your bags, and return to pre-school, because YOU HAVE RUINED IT ALL!!!
Now I already told you that it's the full package so why did you think you needed *anything* other that what I just provided you with? You have got the IQ of a piece of wet cardboard, my friend.

Alas, should you have managed to avoid the Pitfall of Patching after having navigated the Dance of Downloading, there will be but one step left before you can start that undead hunter who's gonna travel to Durotar at level 2, befriend a crabby crab and spend eternity partially picking peacebloom, partially getting ignored by everyone else (including Mr. Pincerprince).

And that step is to tell the files that you want to log in to the one and only Dalaran Wow server, and not some flippin' Warmane or retail server. Cause those places will f*** you up.

The way you do this is as following:

1. You open the folder with all the sh*t in it.

2. You enter the damn data folder.

3. You navigte your sorry behind into the language folder, enUS.

4. You RIGHT CLICK the file named "realmlist", which is a ".wtf file". Don't you worry your pretty little head about what that means. Nobody friggin knows.

4½. You MAKE THE F*** SURE that file ain't read-only. If it is, change its sorry mind about that. If you can't, get an adult to do it for you, cause in that case, you know less that John blippin' Snow. And then save the bloody changes, you!

5. Now you're gonna wanna open the file, and you do so with the NOTEPAD. Not the windows writer, not the open office docs, and God help me, I will slap you into next spring if you tell me you only use Microsoft Word.
When the file is opened you're highlighting everything after "logon." and before ".com" and you press that big fat delete button. We don't need that shit. What we DO need is you to type in "dalaran-server". Where? IN THE GOD DAMN HOLE YOU JUST MADE! And then you save it.
If you are in doubt, even for a second, that the whole thing is supposed to say "set realmlist logon.dalaran-server.com", you can go ahead and delete the game. And go outside and crash your bike into a f***ing bush. You're a disgrace.

AND THERE YOU HAVE IT - you are now ready to play the game. Good luck, and have fun. Unless "fun" to you is talking trash in Global. Then you can gtfo.

No Potatoes for you.